Old Content:

Blatantly copied from my own post at Wordpress.

This marks the first day in a long time that I am writing something directly over Internet. No filters and no preparation. Only a couple of tweaks and here I am, brutal to myself, open to all.

The last time I wrote on Internet, other than the silly emails was way back in 2007. Then the life changed so as me. Here is 2021, the pandemic and me. Boys need hobbies.

Last I checked, I was a full-time husband and a father. Along with that, I am a part time dreamer. Looking at a lot of videos talking about writing something on a daily basis or publish some you tube channels made me think that:
  1. I am no expert in the area I will pick.
  2. Why would anyone listen to/ read someone who isn’t an Expert on the subject
  3. Will it ever be successful?
  4. What if it fails?
  5. …and a lot of crappy reasons of not giving out some time to kick off the journey.

And then I saw Ali Abdaal talking about writing (and possibly become a millionaire):

Now, as a sensible adult, I started watching it from education standpoint just to realize whom I am fooling around.

So, I got out of my ever procrastinating slumber and wrote this piece of junk.

Let me know how this looks like. I am just a newbie (oldbie, to be precise) in this area and hopefully can provide my contribution back to the society while I am also learning a thing or two.

I will try to keep uploading new content now and then. Strictly speaking, there is no agenda as of now. So don’t know if I would be categorizing anything on the website. Eventually, it will come though.

New Content:

How can a blog on a markdown website not have an R Code
x <- "Hello World!"

So long!

Stay safe, stay with family, wear mask!!!

above all, keep smiling and keep learning…